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Research on interconnections among Gulf of Mexico ecosystems.
Outreach for decisions based on those interconnections.

The Portal NewsLetter

NGI Researchers to Provide Summer Professional Development Workshop for Mississippi Teachers

June 21, 2022

Graph of weather data analysis
In Early July NGI Researchers along with Faculty from Mississippi State University's Colleges of Engineering and Education will be providing a two-week hybrid (online/face-to-face) Professional Development Series for Mississippi teachers in the use of the Integrated Data Visualization (IDV) software as used in the teaching of computational thinking. This is the third-year of an NSF-funded award # 1934194 "Integrating Computational Science Practice, Weather Data Analysis, and 3D Visualization in the Secondary Earth and Environmental Science Curriculum"

3D Visualization in the Secondary Earth and Environmental Science Curriculum
Funded by the NSF STEM+C program, the 3D Weather project designed and developed modules to teach spatial computational thinking through visualization of real weather data with IDV (Integrated Data Viewer, downloadable at

Spatial computational with IDV
Summer workshops were offered to prepare teachers for using the modules to teach spatial computational thinking with IDV using the visualization of weather data.